Hermann Huber

2023, The enchanted apple. An intimate interpretation of the Belle Epoque and Art Nouveau, of Symbols and of Grotesque

2023, The enchanted apple. An intimate interpretation of the Belle Epoque and Art Nouveau, of Symbols and of Grotesque
10. September 2023 - 17. Dezember 2023

Link zu grosser Sammlung früher Zeichnungen (um 1910) Hermann Hubers im Mact/Cact Archiv

The enchanted apple. An intimate interpretation of the Belle Epoque and Art Nouveau, of Symbols and of Grotesque. A forgotten memory.
Otto Bauriedl / Franz von Bayros / Paul Berger / Karl Bickel / Giovanni Boldini / Marcelle Cahn / Karl Hänny / Hermann Huber / Béla Kádár / Silvestro Lega / Kurt Levy / Ephraim Moses Lilien / Henry Mannheimer / Hans von Marées-Clemens von Pausinger / Apollonio Pessina / Klaus Richter / Johannes Robert Schürch / Alfred Soder / Milly Steger / Hermann Struck / Heinrich Ludolf Verworner / Emil Weber / August Weckesser.

The Giuseppe Salvioni cottage by Adolfo Brunel / Villa Germano Bonetti by Enea Tallone.
Objects of applied art.

15 January - 9 April 2023 verschoben auf 10 September - 17 December 2023

Vernissage 9. September 2023

MACT/CACT Museum and Center of Contemporary Art in Canton Ticino

The CACT Center of Contemporary Art in Canton Ticino was established in 1994, whose mission is, basically, to organise contemporary art exhibitions and launch thematic publications. Since 1996 CACT membership cards offer free entries in several Swiss Museums and Contemporary Art Centers, included an Italian Museum, in order to spread out all over the national territory important information about Art and Culture in Switzerland. In 2009, the CACT transforms into MACT/CACT Museum and Center of Contemporary Art in Canton Ticino, whose focus is to increase a collection with deposits and loans from private art collectors.
